
Step 1/7: Let's get started
Step 1/7: Let's get started

Membership Information

New Members:  Please note that prior to registering, your membership needs to be approved by the NEWC committee. Please download and complete the "Membership Formand submit to the NEWC committee. 

Please read this page carefully before registering. 

We have the following types of membership:

  • Family - this includes partner and children under 18 years of age
  • Senior - adult 18 years or over
  • Full time student - adult 18 years or over, therefore Senior at a Junior rate
  • Junior - under 18 years of age; no voting rights
  • Remote - must reside more than 80 Km from the club facilities; no voting rights
  • Social - access to club facilities and functions; no voting rights
  • Day - Members can join for a day and take part in club events, but don't have voting rights.  The day fee can be used as a refund on full membership.
  • Corporate - Please contact us if your organisation is interested in access to our facilities for corporate events eg social club events.

The age limit shall be determined based on the age on 1 July before the start of the new season.

When you become a member of our club, you will be covered under the NEWC and the Australian Blokart Association (ABA) third party liability insurances when participating in scheduled events. You will also benefit from the Australian Sailing Personal Accident Insurance coverage. This includes cover for out of pocket medical expenses plus a variety of set benefits from injuries incurred whilst sailing at an affiliated club or whilst on the premises of an affiliated club.

Australian Sailing (AS) no longer issues ‘Silver cards’.  Should you need one, you will have to request it from AS.

Please note that all published club events are deemed to be either AS events or ABA events.  The Australian Sailing insurance covers personal injury insurance only for not Medicare claimable claims for injuries incurred during a club event and whilst traveling to and from that event.  The ABA insurance covers third party public liability insurance. (If a claim is made by a third party) NEWC has it's own Public liability insurance. It is recommended that members with their own yachts and/or blokarts have their own insurance to cover at least third party property damage.

Membership fees for the 2024/25 season are as follows.

  New and renewal fee New when joining after 1 January
Family Membership* $180 $90
Senior Membership $145 $72.50
Full time student $110 $55
Junior Membership $110 $55
Social Membership $20 $10
Remote Membership $110 $55
Day Membership $10 $10
Kart Storage $30 $15

* When registering for a Family Membership each family member needs to be registered separately. The first adult chooses "Family - Adult1". The next adult chooses "Family - Partner" and for any children choose "Family - Child". Only the first family adult needs to make the relevant payment, although "Kart Storage" applies to each member, who requires a space at our facilities in Sprinhurst.

Existing Members: To renew your membership , please click on "RETURNING MEMBER" on the right or below, depending on your device. You will need your Australian Sailing Number.

Australian Sailing Number

If you have been a member of any sailing club across Australia in the past few years, your details (including Australian Sailing Number) should be in our system. If you don't know your Australian Sailing Number, you can look it up here: AS Number Finder

Payment options:  will be given at the end of the registration process. To avoid merchant fees, skip the payment step and make EFT payments direct to North East Windsport Club. The details will be on the invoice.


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